Biernat-Kaluza E.1,2, Schlesinger N.3 , Kalaska K. 4, Wiertel K. 4,5
1 Department of Rheumatology, ORLIK/Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw, Poland. / 2. Nutritional and Lifestyle Medicine Center, CM GAMMA, Warsaw, Poland. / 3. Department of Medicine, Rutgers- Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, United States. / 4. Nutritional and Lifestyle Medicine Center, ORLIK/Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw, Poland. / 5. Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland (student)
Background: Vitamin D3 has pleiotropic influence on our organisms, affects more than 1000 metabolic pathways and impacts nearly 1000 genes. Nowadays, in whole world population vitamin D3 dificiencydeficiency is observed not uncommon throughout the world. Objectives: To assess vitamin D3 levels in gouty and hyperuremic patients including the associated metabolic syndrome comorbidities.
Methods: In a pilot study, we retrospectively analyzed the medical documentation of 75 individuals presentinged to anan outpatient rheumatological clinic between 1/1/2013 and 30/6/2013. In each patient we checked BMI, blood pressure and history of IHD, hyperglyicemia/DM2 and dyslipidemia. Checked parameters included: SUA, vit. D3 25(OH), serum creatinine, GFR,. glucose and lipid profile
Results: Seventy five individuals (23F,52M) aged 25-95 years were divided into 3 groups: Group A: gout patients, Group B: individuals with hyperuricemia, Group C: control: patients with RA, AS and PsA. The differences between demographic data of the 3 groups were not significant.
Conclusion: Data is limited regarding vitamin D3 25 (OH) levels in gout patients and individuals with hyperuricemia. In this study the lowest vitamin D3 levels were found in gouty patients, a bit higher levels in hyperuricemic individuals and the highest but still deficient levels in control group. Vitamin D3 25(OH) with its pleiotropic properties might have influence on various physiological processes but we still do not know if it effects purine metabolism. Large randomized controlled trials are needed to further evaluate the significance of low vitamin D3 25(OH) levels on the purine metabolism and the metabolic syndrome and whether supplementation should be used as an adjuvant in the management of gout.
Keywords: vitamin D3 25(OH),gout, metabolic syndrome